“Quotes from those who actually saw him play!”
Royston, November 22, 2023: A new book about Ty Cobb, the legendary baseball player and Georgia
native, has been published by the Ty Cobb Museum in Royston, Georgia.
The book, called What They Really Said About Ty Cobb, features more than 375 quotes from 256
people who knew Cobb or saw him play in his era. These include Hall of Famers, players, officials,
umpires, sportswriters, and others. They offer their insights and opinions on Cobb’s skills,
achievements, personality, and legacy. Unlike modern commentators, they had firsthand experience of
watching or interacting with Cobb on and off the field. Some were his friends, teammates, managers, or
admirers. Others were his rivals, critics, or reluctant fans. But all of them recognized his greatness and
spoke about it publicly.
The book is based on the research of William H. Burgess, III, an amateur but passionate baseball
historian who collected and posted the quotes on his online blog. The quotes have been edited and
annotated by Dr. William R. “Ron” Cobb, a respected author and editor of baseball history and a
member of the Ty Cobb Museum’s Board of Advisors. Ron Cobb worked closely with Burgess for
several years prior to Burgess’ death in 2014 to verify, correct, organize, and reference each quote. The
book is dedicated to William H. Burgess, III, as a tribute to his hard work, extensive knowledge and
enduring support of Ty Cobb as a great player and great person. A biographical sketch of Burgess,
written by himself, is included in the book as an introduction and a tribute.
The Ty Cobb Museum is proud to publish this important work, which provides another historical
perspective on Ty Cobb’s remarkable career. The book is available in paperback from the Museum for
only $21.99. It is hoped that every Ty Cobb fan or detractor will read this book to appreciate how truly
outstanding Ty Cobb was.
The Ty Cobb Museum in Royston, Georgia, was established in 1998 to celebrate and honor the life and
legacy of Tyrus Raymond Cobb, who was born in Royston. The Ty Cobb Museum is located at 461
Cook Street in Royston and is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Saturday
from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For more information about the Museum, visit its website at
www.TyCobbMuseum.org, or call the Museum at 706-245-1825.
FOR RELEASE: 9:00 A.M. NOVEMBER 22, 2023